2.10 nagios does not start

/etc/init.d/nagios start

  • Starting nagios … !! ]


Jan 10 12:59:24 upendra_ots nagios: Nagios 2.10 starting… (PID=11092)
Jan 10 12:59:24 upendra_ots nagios: LOG VERSION: 2.0
Jan 10 12:59:24 upendra_ots nagios: Warning: Could not open object cache file ‘/var/nagios/objects.cache’ for writing!
Jan 10 12:59:24 upendra_ots nagios: You do not have permission to write to /var/nagios/nagios.lock
Jan 10 12:59:24 upendra_ots nagios: Bailing out due to errors encountered while attempting to daemonize… (PID=11092

my nagios.cfg is attached

I am on gentoo os.

Please help



attached here

Have you tried this?
sudo /etc/init.d/nagios start
Maybe you don’t have sufficient rights to execute the command.

Thank you for reply, I had to change ownership for /var/nagios and it started going OK. I was executing /etc/init.d/nagios as root only.