Are the CGI arguments for v1.2 (or any version) documented anywhere? In particular I’m trying to figure out how status.cgi works. I’ve had a good trawl around and can’t see anything. cgiutils.h helps a little, but my C skills are poor/non-existent.
The default ‘views’ given don’t quite satisfy what I need. I will not be using the notification system at all, and instead nagios is to be used just by the NOC as a visual system, in other words respond when something goes red.
The Service Problem page is the closest to what I need, except I want to be able to show problems for ‘all except xxx hostgroup’
The idea is to set up two pages on the video wall, one showing infrastructure service problems (all except customers) and one showing just customer service problems.
Doing the customer one is easy, but I cannot see an easy way of showing ‘all except customers’.
“The Service Problem page is the closest to what I need, except I want to be able to show problems for ‘all except xxx hostgroup’”
Then use web server authentication. Create a user that will login to nagios website that is a member of all groups EXCEPT xxx hostgroup. Pretty easy that way instead of rewriting the cgi’s.