Cannot connect to information_schema. Access denied

Hi all…
I am new here…
I have some doubts regarding the configuration of check_mysql on nagios.
I installed the plugin and its work fine in the command mode.
**root@hst/usr/local/nagios/libexec]#./check_mysql_health -H <ip_add> --user --password --mode tmp-disk-tables
** and the output is :
OK - 0.00% of 12 tables were created on disk | pct_tmp_table_on_disk=0.00%;25;50 pct_tmp_table_on_disk_now=0.00%
and getting same like out put in all modes ( --mode in the above command).
But in the web interface I am getting the message:
**CRITICAL - cannot connect to information_schema. Access denied for user ‘nagios’@’<host_ip_add>’ (using password: YES) **


mysql service defenitions


service ‘MySQL connection-time’

    define service{
    use                             local-service
    host_name                       host
    service_description            MySQL connection-time
    check_command                  check_mysql_health!nagios!XXXX!connection-time

*** same like another services ****


command ‘check_mysql_health’

define command{
command_name check_mysql_health
command_line $USER1$/check_mysql_health -H $HOSTADDRESS$ --user $ARG1$ -password $ARG2$ --mode $ARG3$

command ‘check_mysql_health_tresholds’

define command{
command_name check_mysql_health_tresholds
command_line $USER1$/check_mysql_health -H $HOSTADDRESS$ --user $ARG1$ -password $ARG2$ --mode $ARG3$ --warning $ARG4$ --critical $ARG5$

Kindly help me for this…
Thanks in advance

Saju Murali

that user would be nagios?