
Hi All first time poster here, my name is Martyn and I’m just starting out with Nagios so hitting a few issues to begin with.

My latest problem that I can not resolve is the plugin check_hplj, this was not compiled when installed the latest plugins nagios-plugins-1.4.13.tar.gz.
I’m running Ununtu Server 8.04, Nagios Version 3.0.6, I followed the install guide from the nagios-3.pdf and all went fine, I’m monitoring 3 servers at the minute with no issues.

Apparently check_hplj will not be compiled unless you have the correct snmp utils installed, this is where I’m hitting problems, I have been told to advised that I get them via the command:

Sudo apt-get install net-snmp-utils
Sudo apt-get install net-snmp

I tried this and I get back from the command: E: Couldn’t find package.

Can anybody guide me through this part please as to where I can find the above so I can continue to work with check_hplj

Thanks for reading


you need to do:

  1. apt-get install snmp
  2. make a copy of /libexec
  3. download the nagios-plugin if it not already in the downloads folder
  4. recompile the nagios-plugin (follow instruction from nagios)

After that, the check_snmp will exist in the libexec folder.
