I’m using check_http for to check if a web site is live.
The problem is when the site is down, check_http returns OK because get the error page of tomcat as valid.
So, I thought to check also the min-max size of the web to validate between the real web page and the tomcat’s page.
This is the command I run:
[quote="0.292400s;;;0.000000 size=197B;;;0
As you can see, the size of the page is 197 bytes.
So, I’ve configured nagios to check between 170 and 210 bytes.
But I get a nagios warning saying “page is 723 bytes too large”.
So, I reconfigure nagios to check between (197+723=920) 890 and 960 bytes. Now Nagios returns an OK.
But togheter with the OK message returns the size of the page, and this is 723 bytes !
But when I run the commando on bash, I get this:
[quote="0.284941s;;;0.000000 size=197B;890;0;0
So, I don’t understand… Nagios says the size is 920 bytes and the plugin says 197 bytes…
What’s the problem here ??
Thank you for your help.
Edited ][/quote]