I’m pretty familiar with Nagios. Anyways, I’m checking a database with the check_mysql command. However, I have a database for the company I work for that has a password with a dollar sign $ and a exclamation point ! (i didn’t choose these passwords and I have no way of changing it)
./check_mysql -H host1 -u myweb -p 'byemY$h1t!' -d my_db
Uptime: 4870927 Threads: 97 Questions: 589839997 Slow queries: 7600 Opens: 15182 Flush tables: 7 Open tables: 256 Queries per second avg: 121.094
So my problem is this, Nagios is giving me an access denied error with the password. The password works with single quotes if I check the DB through the command line but it does not work in the commands.cfg file.
# 'check_mysql' command definition
define command{
command_name check_mysql
command_line $USER1$/check_mysql -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u $ARG1$ -d $ARG2$ -p 'byemY$h1t!'
I’ve tried everything:
Any help will greatly be appreciated it.