hello all,
the problem i have with nrpe has been dealed with in some previous threads, but i still have not found a solution!
i have installed nrpe on a unix 5.3 remote host. everything worked well till last friday when i killed nrpe process in order to restart it after i have done some modifications on nrpe.cfg.
now, when i want to restart nrpe : /usr/local/nagios/nrpe -c /usr/local/nagios/nrpe.cfg -d, nrpe is not started!!!
and when i try to execute : ./check_nrpe -H x.x.x.x -c check_users( for example) from nagios server, i have the foolowing error: CHECK_NRPE: Error - Could not complete SSL handshake.
is that something to do with ssl? or have i this error message because of nrpe is not started?
i’ll be so gratfull if someone could help me with this!
If nrpe daemon is not running on the remote host, then how are you going to run the client check command ./check_nrpe -H x.x.x.x -c check_users and expect it to work?
I just read the README file, and nowhere do I see that it says to start up the daemone as you have done.
Please read the file and it explains step by step on how to start the daemon on the remote machine.
I have no idea why you are triing to start the daemon on the nagios server from /usr/local/nagios/nrpe -c … That is not how to start it, and you DONT start it on the nagios server.
i did exactly the same things as mentionned in the README file.
i aded the required lines to run nrpe under inetd.
what i want to underline is that nrpe worked perfectly till i have killed nrpe prococess.
i reconfigured nrpe to see if i will have an error message if something did change since the last time, but everything is OK.
Maybe what i’m going to say is stupid and have no relation with the actual situation of nrpe, but i had nearly the same problem in the nagios server. i had killed the nagios process and each try of restarting nagios was unsuccassfull till i erased the nagios.cmd. do u think it might be similar than nrpe??
what i don’t understand is why the command usually used to start nrpe can’t work again??
When you start it up what do you get when you do so? No errors? Is it running?
ps -ef|grep nrpe
Oh an sorry, I thought you where triing to run the daemon on the nagios server, but after reading your first post again, I see that it’s a remote machine.
Copy the nrpe.cfg from your source directory and try again.
Or figure out what it was that you changed last in the nrpe.cfg file and put it back to the way you had it previously. Edited Mon Aug 08 2005, 06:22AM ]
[quote=“asmaeber”]…last friday when i killed nrpe process in order to restart it after i have done some modifications on nrpe.cfg.
now, when i want to restart nrpe : /usr/local/nagios/nrpe -c /usr/local/nagios/nrpe.cfg -d, nrpe is not started!!!
Sounds like the change you made to the .cfg wasn’t the right thing to do. Remove the change you made.
the changes i’ve made in nrpe.cfg concerned only adding some new commands and changing the dont_blame_nrpe from 0 to 1 to test passing arguments from nagios machine.
i’ve copied again nrpe.cfg from my source directory and just changed the allowed_hosts.
but still not being able to start nrpe :’(
error message is nothing at all? Are you sure the files are located where you stated they are? Are the permissions correct on nrpe. Perhaps since you have already replaced the nrpe.cfg, maybe replace the nrpe binary also. Execute permission correct on the binary?
ps -ef|grep nrpe
kill them if they are there.
/usr/local/nagios/nrpe -c /usr/local/nagios/nrpe.cfg -d
ps -ef|grep nrpe
What’s the output of that say?
i’ve replaced also nrpe binary.
the permissions are all ok.
when i execute the following command ; /usr/local/nagios/nrpe -c /usr/local/nagios/nrpe.cfg -d
i don’t have any error!
and the output of ps -ef|grep nrpe :
root 19752 16828 1 08:03:08 pts/0 0:00 grep nrpe
i’m really in trouble with that problem, and i can’t see any available reason of it.
maybe i have found what wrong.
when in the nrpe.cfg i change the port number from 5666 to another port( for ex: 5664) nrpe starts normally.
thus something happened to the port 5666. but what?
and how can i resolve the problem taking into consideration that i don’t want to work with another port than 5666?
possibly something is using port 5666…
cehck with
netstat -a
possibly in /etc/services you find something defined on port 5666 cehck for thet too on netstat… i don’t remmebr the switch to turn the service nams off.
find which service is using that port and then try to understand if it’s a service you ewanted or not… else you can try to use NRPE on another port (check the docs on how to do it but i believe it’0s a config thing)