I have added two new services to two separate hosts. When running the nagios -v to check my sanity, it reads all of the services
Checking services…
Checked 312 services.
blah blah blah
no errors no warnings.
But when I refresh the ol browser I only see 291 services listed, and the two hosts that i added services to do not show the new “service”
I’m befuddled…
Here is an excerpt from the host config file the TermService check is the new one the W3SVC is the default template one (which works fine)
define service{
use generic-service
host_name petwa14
service_description W3SVC
check_command check_nt!SERVICESTATE!-d SHOWALL -l W3SVC
Create a service for monitoring the TerminalServer service
Change the host_name to match the name of the host you defined above
define service{
use generic-service
host_name petwa14
service_description TermService
check_command check_nt!SERVICESTATE!-d SHOWALL -l TermService
I can run the check_nt service from the command line and it replies like it should. I’m running the 0.2.7 NSClient version
Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated…