Hi when i run nagios verification i get the following errors,
Running pre-flight check on configuration data…
Checking services…
Error: Service check command ‘check_nt_disk’ specified in service ‘Disk’ for host ‘miapwsynchtest’ not defined anywhere!
Error: Service check command ‘check_nt_cpuload’ specified in service ‘Load’ for host ‘miapwsynchtest’ not defined anywhere!
Error: Service check command ‘check_nt_disk’ specified in service ‘Disk’ for host ‘mymachine’ not defined anywhere!
Error: Service check command ‘check_nt_cpuload’ specified in service ‘Load’ for host ‘mymachine’ not defined anywhere!
Error: Service check command ‘check_nt_disk’ specified in service ‘Disk’ for host ‘webapps01test’ not defined anywhere!
Error: Service check command ‘check_nt_localload’ specified in service ‘Load’ for host ‘webapps01test’ not defined anywhere!
Checked 212 services.
Checking hosts…
Checked 72 hosts.
Checking host groups…
Checked 40 host groups.
Checking contacts…
Checked 2 contacts.
Checking contact groups…
Checked 8 contact groups.
Checking service escalations…
Checked 0 service escalations.
Checking host group escalations…
Checked 47 host group escalations.
Checking service dependencies…
Checked 0 service dependencies.
Checking host escalations…
Checked 0 host escalations.
Checking host dependencies…
Checked 73 host dependencies.
Checking commands…
Checked 37 commands.
Checking time periods…
Checked 4 time periods.
Checking for circular paths between hosts…
Checking for circular service execution dependencies…
Checking global event handlers…
Checking obsessive compulsive service processor command…
Checking misc settings…
Total Warnings: 0
Total Errors: 6
I have defined my check_nt_disk, check_nt_cpuload,etc, in the command.cfg file as follows,
command[check_nt_disk]=$USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 1248 -v USEDDISKSPACE -l $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$
command[check_nt_cpuload]=$USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 1248 -v CPULOAD -l $ARG1$
command[check_nt_uptime]=$USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 1248 -v UPTIME
check_nt is located in the libexec folder, but still its giving me an error of not being defined anywhere. Please help.