We are running Nagios 3.0.1 on Debian Etch. The clients are also running Debian Etch and have the 1.4.11 plugins installed. The client machines also have nrpe 2.11 installed.
What I am trying to do is monitor a process called mplayer. All I need to know is if the process is running or not. If it’s not running I need to know ASAP. I looked at check_procs_pgrep but I could not get it to work. It gave strange results. For example:
nagiosserver:/usr/local/nagios/libexec# ./check_procs_pgrep -w 2 -c 4 -a '/usr/sbin/bubbasmith' -u root
OK. Process exist.
Believe me I have no process called Bubbasmith running on my server. In fact I could put anything there and it would report OK.
So does anyone know of a better solution?
Thanks for any help you can give,