Hello all,
I’m having trouble with the check_smtp plugin. My mail server waits for 70 seconds before sending a reply to ehlo. This if for antispam purposes.
Now when I run the command manually it works:
[root@nagios objects]# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_smtp -H mail -f nagios -t 90
SMTP OK - 70.414 sec. response time|time=70.414097s;;;0.000000
But when I use it in my services.cfg object file it doesn’t work. Here’s what I have:
define service{
use basic-service
name smtp-service
notification_options c,r,u,w
check_command check_smtp! -t 90 -f nagios
register 0
define service{
use smtp-service
service_description SMTP
contact_groups admins
host_name mail
This fails every time, because it will only wait 60.5 seconds. It will not wait the full 90 seconds no matter what I try, any advice?