I am trying to configure Nagios with a new contact that is my cell phone. I have a Palm Centro that will accept emails through IMAP / POP3.
I edited the contacts.cfg and added the following line:
define contact{
contact_name Work Phone
use generic-contact
alias Gregory
email [email protected]
We are using just generic information for most of the setup, but it works for us. I am also using my alias settings; I am not sure though that it may be causing some issues as well.
When I restart Nagios I get an error “There is an error in your configuration Nagios not restarted” That is not exactly it, but that is pretty much what the message says. I take the above out of contacts.cfg and Nagios will start fine.
Any thoughts on adding that email address to Nagios so that I can get updates on my palm?
Thanks for any help.