Hi there,
I had a Nagios 3.05 install working about a week or two ago, but since then, I can not get nagios to start. I am running 3.0.6 on Mac OS X Server v10.5.6.
The messages I am seeing in the nagios.log is the following:
[1231183135] Finished daemonizing... (New PID=8638)
[1231183135] Error: Could not create external command file '/opt/local/var/nagios/rw/nagios.cmd' as named pipe: (22) -> Invalid argument. If this file already exists and you are sure that another copy of Nagios is not running, you should delete this file.
[1231183135] Bailing out due to errors encountered while trying to initialize the external command file... (PID=8638)
I’ve tried deleting the nagios.cmd file and making sure the permissions are correct on the file but no such luck.
Anyone have any ideas on things to try?
Randy Saeks