Could not read object configuration data

i’m using nagios 2.0b4, a brand new installation, followed the installation doc strictly.

before i started the nagios, do the pre-flight check and all settting were passed.

Now the problem comes, i opened the web interface, everything shows up, but if i tried to click any of these monitoring items, it shown me the whoops error page with " Could not read object configuration data".

In the log file, it shown me all the host/service notification and alerts, looks working fine.

The only two things i didn’t do is 1. i didn’t set the authentication of CGIs; 2. i didn’t install any plugins, because i noticed there are files under the “/usr/local/nagios/libexec/” already.

Do these two things really matter?


Ah…so then you haven’t strictly followed the documentation. Your issue could be a CGI issue. Go back and follow the docs completely.

finally, i found the CGI path in my nagios.cfg was wrong, that caused the issue.
after fixed that, all the world running!:slight_smile:

thx for you hint, SonOfThunder;)