Custom object variable

Hello all !

Where can a custom object variable be referenced ? only in command definitions ?

                                 Regards nlight

Be more specific. What custom object variable? What do you want to achive with it? What version of Nagios do you use?

Hej Albin !

What version of Nagios do you use?

 Version 3  [or rather is going to ]

Be more specific. What custom object variable?

  Any custom object variable.

What do you want to achive with it?

  If there are several services of the same type on a host which are polled by snmp 
  the difference between them is a different SNMP OID as parameter to a check command.

  If it is possible to refrence a custom object variable in a service template then the service
  definition could use a definition of the custom service variable only to distinguish
  between services, could look nice maybe ?

                                               Regards nlight

Hej Albin !

Custom object variables are described on page
322 and 266 in the Nagios Version 3.x Documentation.

Regards nlight

I got what you mean. I don’t think it is possible. It would be a nice feature, indeed. In my example I have defined as many command as there are OIDs for the infos I need, and then referenced services one-by-one to each command.

On the other hand, if that would be possible, you would need to specify each service again, because the variable would be different for every service. And that is already accomplished with templates.

It should be completely different logic to do such thing, as far as I’ve understood the template feature.