Cut down on the status pages

Is there a way to simplify the status pages with display filters? i want to see 2 pages

  1. all unacknowledged problems - wether they are a service or host problem on one page
  2. all acknowledged problems - wether they are a service or host.

seems like nagios forces you to have 4 pages

  1. service problems
  2. unhandled service problems
  3. host problems
  4. unhandled service problems



I did something similar in the past using the following methodology - in my case it was attached to a monitor mounted to the wall.
Might help with your goals.

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="90">
body {

<iframe style="height:45%;width:100%;border:0;" src=https://<host>/nagios/cgi-bin/status.cgi?hostgroup=all&style=hostdetail&hoststatustypes=4></iframe>
<iframe style="height:45%;width:100%;border:0;" src=https://<host>/nagios/cgi-bin/status.cgi?host=all&type=detail&servicestatustypes=16&hoststatustypes=3&serviceprops=42></iframe>

The paths used in the iframes are pulled straight out of the tactical overview screen.