I am trying to define parent switches…
So my question is… Does the parent and child information have to reside in one CFG file or could they be in multiple files within a folder and
could they be in multiple folders in multiple files.
I get an error when I restart nagios with a similar configuration. I am creating seperate .cfg file within the same folder for each switch.
So my question is do all the configuration have to reside inside the same text file for all parents and child. Or if I do multiple cfg files how do I get them to communicate
There are some information that is required to be in a define host directive. See Nagios Documentation for details on which - make sure you have the required directives defined either in the host defininition, or using a host template. Also the last 2 hosts you defined - the directive is wrong - it is define host ,not define hosts.
To anyone who comes across this… I had a very interesting time understanding this… The above is not one file… It it the output of multiple files placed in one file. If you look at the link below you will have a better chance understanding this.