I have my hosts and services set up and working nicely. Now I want to make sure I have dependencies (both kinds) configured properly so when something dies I get the proper message and ONLY the proper message.
There are for Linux boxes involved. I currently have the host/client dependencies configured this way:
Router: All remote systems are children off this.
ping: notification off
vamos-wentworth, this is running Nagios
http: notification on
smtp: notiffication off
imap: notification off
pop3: notification off
Boxes ivy, instrumentpro.com, instrumentpro.net; remote, children of router
notifications on
For my host (vamos-wentworth) system, I figured if any of the mail services are down, there’s no reason to bother sending a notification since it won’t work. The host system is also my personal mail server. I did not make it dependent on the router since the local service checks are still possible. I’m thinking of turning on notification for imap and pop3 but make them dependent on smtp. Even though I won’t be able to receive email alerts in my regular account, my cell phone can still receive text message alerts (I use the epager option of for that). One problem with that, however, an epager alert won’t work if the router is down. Basically I need to make a the smtp service dependent on the router host. Is that possible without making the entire box dependent on the router?
The remote boxes have various services running, e.g. http, ftp, smtp, imap, pop3, mysql, etc. The actual services vary by the box, though all of them are running http. I made these three dependent on the router since no tests will be possible if it goes down.
The big question is how do I avoid multiple alerts if a box goes down. Is this handled by the ‘check-host-alive’ option, or should I add a ‘ping’ service check for each of these and make the other services dependent on it?
FYI, I’ve removed the unreachable flag from all the services and contacts.
That’s what I have so far. I have more devices and services to add, but I thought I should make sure I’m setting things up properly before I go too far and discover I need to start over.
Recommendations on my configuration would be appreciated.