Display Question

Hello everyone

I wanted to ask if in nagios is there a way wherein we can display few servers only to some ppl.i might happen some ppl need not c other servers.so is there a way.if yes how to do that.this will be very usefule for me.coz i have lot of servers added but need to show some servers only to some people. Also is there pagewise display in nagios?

waiting for a reply

Edited ]

Unless you allow access in cgi.cfg for everyone to see everything, people can only see the servers for which they are in the contact groups. So, put people in the contact groups for the servers they need to see.

keep in mind they will be anble to reschedule or disable checks… which possibly isn’t what you want…


Hi Thanks

Can you please tell me in detail as to how and what changes i make in cgi.cfg to allow difft people difft servers viewing.Also i would like to know how do i create different users so that i can gve difft people difft login according to their servers.

Your help will be appreciated
Edited Tue Jun 07 2005, 08:25PM ]

If you read the cgi.cfg file, it tells you in detail, what adding usernames to this seciton will allow them to do/see. So please make an attempt first, then if you have severe trouble understanding it, then I’d be happy to assist.

My suggestiong is this. Don’t put anyone in the cgi.cfg besides people who are going to be supporting Nagios. The people that you would like to give access to view the cgis, would be people that you add to the contacts.cfg file, and then assign those people to a group in the contactgroups.cfg. The hosts that a person will be able to see are the hosts that have the contactgroup that the person is in, defined in the services.cfg as the “contactgroups”.

To break it down, it goes like this.
What host’s/sevices can a person see.

  1. Is the person defined as a contact in contacts.cfg? Yes, then go to 2.

  2. Is the person defined in a contactgroup in the contactgroups.cfg file? yes, then go to 3.

  3. The contactgroup that the person belongs to, must be one of the contactgroups that is defined in the services.cfg

If you have made it to #3, then for every service that applies, they will be able to see that service and also the host that the service belongs to.

If you don’t want them to see some service, then make sure that the contactgroup for that service does not have them listed in the contactgroups.cfg file.

I have done this in start only.Can you please elaborate it or give me one example as to how to do it.Also do i have to create difft user for diifft people to view their own servers.How do i give them the link so that they will view only their servers.sorry for bothering you so much

Thanks for continous help

Edited Fri Jun 10 2005, 09:52PM ]

email them the link to your nagios site, spell it out for them, why should that be hard to figure out?
I’ve clearly elaborated in the above post’s. Read the docs again. It sounds like you have no clue what a host is, what a hostgroup is, what a contact is, what a contactgroup is.

You have hosts A and B.
You have contacts 1 and 2.

If A or B breaks down, how do I tell cotact 1 or 2?

Define hosts A and B in the hosts.cfg file.
Define a hostgroup called servers in the hostgroup.cfg
Define a hostgroup called routers in the hostgroup.cfg

Define Contact 1 and 2 in the contacts .cfg file.
Define a contactgroup called softwaretechs in the contactgroups.cfg
Define a contactgroup called hardwaretechs in the contactgroup.cfg
Place contact 1 in the contactgroup software techs
Place contact 2 in the hardwaretechs.
Place the contactgroup software techs in the hostgroup.cfg file under the definition for servers.
Place the contactgroup hardwaretechs in the hostgroup.cfg under the definition of routers.

Think of it like this. Do you want to have to add 100 contacts in the hostgroup.cfg as members or would it be easier to add 1 member, which is just a contactgroup?