Got my nagios 3.0b.3 up and running following the ubuntu quickstart on the nagios site. Couple of things not quite right with it but otherwise it’s really neat and have added a couple of Windows boxes both LAN and WAN and are monitoring nicely. However, I’m now trying to get the notifications up. I’ve added my contact info, etc. and am trying to get the host to ‘notify for all services on host’. However, I get the error below:
Error: Could not open command file ‘/usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.cmd’ for update!
try checking owner and permisisons of the nagios.cmd file (ls -l) and of all the parent directories in relation to the user running nagios (ps -ef | grep nagios).
when i do a ps -ef (but can’t find the keyboard button for " | " through my vnc connection) I get a long list of folders and stuff but the nagios user isn’t listed there?
i don’t know if i mentioned but my nagios.cfg – nagios is running as nagios user nagios group.