Help with SQL check plugin


We are using an SQL query check here which returns a value from 0-99 from a table. I want to create the -w to 10 and -c to 20 within the query.

The perl code is as follows:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;

my $sqsh='/usr/bin/sqsh';               # Full path to SQSH command
my $cmd='';                             # OS command to pass to CLI
my %opts=();                            # HASH to store CLI options
my @output='';                          # Output from OS CLI
my $numflag=1;                          # Assume the data being returned is numeric,
                                        # Change this to 0 if it isn't
my $outmsg='Check';
my $new_data='';
my $err=0;
my @errmsg=qw(OK WARNING CRITICAL);


foreach (keys %opts) {
        next if m/[cwbhdCa]/;
        $cmd .= " -$_ $opts{$_}";
$cmd .= " -b -h -C \"$opts{C}\"";
if ( $opts{d} ) {print "cmd: $cmd\n";}

@output=`$sqsh $cmd`;
chomp $new_data;
$new_data =~ s/^ \t]*//g;
if ( $opts{d} ) { print "Output: $new_data\n";}

# Check if the output returned is numeric
if ( ($new_data !~ /^\d+$/) ) {

if ( defined($opts{w}) && ($new_data gt $opts{w}) ) { $err=1; }
if ( defined($opts{c}) && ($new_data gt $opts{c}) ) { $err=2; }

if ( defined($opts{a}) ) { $outmsg = $opts{a}; }
print "$outmsg $errmsg$err]: $new_data";
if ( $numflag ) { print "|$outmsg=$new_data";}

if ( defined($opts{c}) && ($new_data gt $opts{c}) ) { exit 2; }
if ( defined($opts{w}) && ($new_data gt $opts{w}) ) { exit 1; }
exit 0

The problem I am having is that if we run the check with -H hostname -D dbname - U username -P password -w10 -c20 -C “SQL_QUERY” then the returned value only see’s the first digit - for example 10 comes back as 1 and 20 comes back as 2 ?

any help would be appreciated.

i don’t even see a query in there… :stuck_out_tongue:

are you sure the query is returning the correct value?

Yes I am sure :slight_smile:

the query is

Basically an entry is set in a table which gives a value in minutes. If we run this query - it actually comes back with the right value in nagios … but nagios is only alerting on the first digit. So 2 = 2, 6 = 6 14 = 1 15 = 1 and 5789347589 = 5 :slight_smile:

Looks like its matching the first text string and stopping there.

Hope this makes sense.

So if you run your plugin from command line as user nagios does that work correctly? (exit codes included)