does the http server work correctly from a browser?
you can even try a RAW http reqwuest directly from the nagios server (should be in my situation with no GUI on the server)
telnet 80
the screen should blank at this point type
and hit enter a couple of times.
if you have more than one site on the server you need to define the sitesname too.
I Rember something like:
sitename: yourdomain.ext
Hope this helps. should the commands be incorrect try looking on google for “http telnet connection”
run check_http from the libexec directory it tells you all paramneters it takes. Between them there’s the possibility to give an URL to check (added to the standard IP address) this is what you are looking for.
Could be worth checking checkcommands.cfg if you don’t already have an url check command defined. Possibly it just takes an extra argument. If not just create a new command addin the url as extra parameter.