I can't find help on Fan RPM Monitoring!

Sorry about this, I know I’ve seen something similar before but I can’t find it now.

I am monitoring the Fan RPM on one of our Dell Servers thanks to the SNMP check and Dell OpenManage.

My problem is with the warning thresholds. I’m getting a critical message because the critical level (1500 rpm) is lower than the operating RPM (4500 rpm). I’ve expressed -c as 0000:2999 and -w as 3000:4000 but thats not working either.

Any ideas ?
Edited ]

i don’t remeber it now but if you try running ./check_snmp it should give some hint… and there’

Unfortunately thats what I’ve done and from what I can tell I am doing it per the instructions.

./check_snmp -H K010104-0004 -o . -c 0000:2999 -w 3000:3999

Edited Thu Dec 22 2005, 10:43AM ]

According to ./check_snmp --help
-w, --warning=INTEGER_RANGE(s)
Range(s) which will not result in a WARNING status
-c, --critical=INTEGER_RANGE(s)
Range(s) which will not result in a CRITICAL status
So, if that is the case, is your defintion setup correctly?
-c 0000:2999 range which will NOT result in a critical?
-w 3000:3999 range which will NOT result in a warning?

I don’t think so.