Is anybody use monarch for the configuration of nagios?I got

I have nagios 2x installed and try to use monarch-0.95d to simplify the configuration of nagios.And there are some problems.I use the minimal.cfg as cfg_file and load config files in monarch,there seems to be some errors and when load for the second times everything is ok.Then a just run a Pre Flight Test in monarch then problems happened as listed.Even though I add hosts,services…other problems errors.Why should this happen as minimal.cfg is an correct config file which runs well in my server?
anyone help me!

Nagios 2.0b3
Copyright © 1999-2005 Ethan Galstad (
Last Modified: 04-03-2005
License: GPL

Reading configuration data…

Running pre-flight check on configuration data…

Checking services…
Error: There are no services defined!
Checked 0 services.
Checking hosts…
Error: There are no hosts defined!
Checked 0 hosts.
Checking host groups…
Error: There are no host groups defined!
Checked 0 host groups.
Checking service groups…
Checked 0 service groups.
Checking contacts…
Error: There are no contacts defined!
Checked 0 contacts.
Checking contact groups…
Error: There are no contact groups defined!
Checked 0 contact groups.
Checking service escalations…
Checked 0 service escalations.
Checking service dependencies…
Checked 0 service dependencies.
Checking host escalations…
Checked 0 host escalations.
Checking host dependencies…
Checked 0 host dependencies.
Checking commands…
Checked 22 commands.
Checking time periods…
Checked 0 time periods.
Checking extended host info definitions…
Checked 0 extended host info definitions.
Checking extended service info definitions…
Checked 0 extended service info definitions.
Checking for circular paths between hosts…
Checking for circular host and service dependencies…
Checking global event handlers…
Checking obsessive compulsive processor commands…
Checking misc settings…

Total Warnings: 0
Total Errors: 5

***> One or more problems was encountered while running the pre-flight check…

Check your configuration file(s) to ensure that they contain valid
directives and data defintions. If you are upgrading from a previous
version of Nagios, you should be aware that some variables/definitions
may have been removed or modified in this version. Make sure to read
the HTML documentation regarding the config files, as well as the
’Whats New’ section to find out what has changed.

Sorry I can’t help but I’d like to know what Monarch is, and how it helps with config files. (If it is nice I’ll use it and help you after :wink:


I’ve tried one helper and it was more work that what I did by hand.
I mean really, how hard is
vi services.cfg
i for insert
change the host/service etc.