KVM monitor's 'change' command doesn't work with cdrom

i am trying to change virtual machine’s cdrom iso image using ‘change’ command, but without success:

(qemu) info block
ide0-hd0: type=hd removable=0 file=/home/vm/vm.img ro=0 drv=qcow2 encrypted=0
ide0-cd1: type=cdrom removable=1 locked=0 file=/home/vm/cdrom1.iso ro=1 drv=raw encrypted=0
ide1-cd0: type=cdrom removable=1 locked=0 [not inserted]
floppy0: type=floppy removable=1 locked=0 [not inserted]
sd0: type=floppy removable=1 locked=0 [not inserted]
(qemu) eject ide0-cd1
(qemu) change ide0-cd1 /home/vm/cdrom2.iso 
(qemu) info block
ide0-hd0: type=hd removable=0 file=/home/vm/vm.img ro=0 drv=qcow2 encrypted=0
ide0-cd1: type=cdrom removable=1 locked=0 [not inserted]
ide1-cd0: type=cdrom removable=1 locked=0 [not inserted]
floppy0: type=floppy removable=1 locked=0 [not inserted]
sd0: type=floppy removable=1 locked=0 [not inserted]

the only way i’ve found to change cdrom image is to stop vm, and start using new commandline.
virtual machine is started using commandline: