Looking for Nagios consultant


We are looking for somebody to help us implement Nagios to monitor our small business infrastructure. This work can all be done remotely. We need to be able to monitor Windows servers in remote sites through a firewall as well as a few Linux machines.

We will need to monitor the following:

Event logs
Disk space usage
CPU/Memory utilization
Security events

Please contact kiddbios****at****yahoo dot com if interested.


 I can help you in implementing Nagios monitoring tool for mioniting your windows/linux servers.
  • Sagar

If you are looking for a Nagios and Centreon consultant in The Netherlands or in Belgium then check out roderick-ict.nl. Great guy with a lot of knowledge. And he also has a pre-build virtual appliance so the setup costs you no time at all compared to a brand new installation.


[quote=“MrCoffee”]If you are looking for a Nagios and Centreon consultant in The Netherlands or in Belgium then check out roderick-ict.nl. Great guy with a lot of knowledge. And he also has a pre-build virtual appliance so the setup costs you no time at all compared to a brand new installation.


Your… employer? Yourself? :wink:

Nothing wrong with advertising yourself a bit here (since the topic of this threads warrants it), but no need to ‘hide’ and use 3rd person… :wink: