Hello to everybody,
I have a problem wih my Nagios server and my hosts. I choosed the nrpe solution for monitoring my hosts.
Nrpe is correctly working when I check in command line and remotly.
For my host, I have define 19 check_nrpe into his XXXX.cfg and all the service are correctly define in the nrpe.cfg.
But, unfortunatly, On my Nagios Web interface I have some CRITICAL status (CHECK_NRPE: Error - Could not complete SSL handshake.) for some of my services. But this service are OK on the remote host. And the strange thing is that after some minutes the CRITICAL service become OK and another one is now CRITICAL.
I increase all the timeout on the Nagios server and on the host (nrpe.cfg). But still the same.
DO we have a limitation about nrpe checks?
Can someone help me?