Can you please suggest how to do Memory Monitoring for Unix Machines. I am able to to CPU, Disk from NRPE but am not able to understand how to do it for Memory Monitoring.
Please suggest.
Can you please suggest how to do Memory Monitoring for Unix Machines. I am able to to CPU, Disk from NRPE but am not able to understand how to do it for Memory Monitoring.
Please suggest.
For a Solaris systen ‘web01’ the file svc-web01-mem.cfg contains:
define service{
use generic-service ; Name of service template to use
host_name web01
service_description Real Memory
is_volatile 0
check_period 24x7
max_check_attempts 4
normal_check_interval 5
retry_check_interval 1
contact_groups admins
notification_options w,u,c,r
notification_interval 960
notification_period 24x7
check_command check_snmp_storage_v1!Real Memory!70!100
Yes i know it is bizarre and ‘wrong’ but the command does work.
If that doesn’t work for you then change the command to be `check_command check_snmp_mem_v2!Real Memory!70!100