Missing plugins


I installed Nagios 3.2.1 on an Ubuntu PC following the quick start guide.

I followed every step and had no problems.
I added 1 switch, 1 windows PC and a printer to be monitored.
Nagios see’s these devises and get some info from them.

However i have a few errors where it states (Return code of 127 is out of bounds - plugin may be missing).

I downloaded a newer set of plugins and went throught the QSG for the plugins, and it still will not work.
I dont see how i can tell what plugin is missing, or how to get it.

Printer Status | CRITICAL | 07-30-2010 14:15:46 0d 4h 27m 31s 3/3 (Return code of 127 is out of bounds - plugin may be missing)

There is a full example, i have done everything in the QSG, but still no luck.

I worked out Check_hpjd is missing.
But i cannot seem to get it installed

Any ideas?
Thanks all

please post only once…

check the configure output when compiling the plugins.
Or the plugin might need to be downloaded… look for nagiosexchange as a starting point.

I downloaded the latest set of plugins for nagios.
No compiling errors.

Sorry, i was trying to delete the other post, but had a problem to deal with.
I figured the question was better placed here.

i checked and check_hpjd is part of the standard nagios plugins distribution.
is check_hpjd in your /usr/local/nagios/libexec folder together wioth the other plugins? if yes try running it from command line as the user nagios.