Multiple commands

What I have now is a single global event handler that sends a SMTP trap.
I’m trying to add two additional scripts - one to upload a file, and another that emails the results of a SQL query.

How can I execute all three of these actions based on a results of a single check?

Sorry, i really don’t understand the question…

what is an SMTP trap? (SNMP trap or email?)
What are you trying to check? and what should happen when which check fails?

luca, thanks for the response.

I want to have three commands executed as handlers.

I have a service defined as follows

# the trap generator
define service{
        use generic-service
        host_name myhost
        service_description Snort L3 Alerts
        check_command check_nrpe!check_snort_l3

This works flawlessly, albeit a little slow. The SQL query used here isn’t the fastest to execute.

I would prefer to have three handlers defined like below but it doesn’t work.
I don’t have any idea how to make all three of these commands execute.

define service{
        use generic-service
        host_name myhost
        service_description Snort L3 Alerts
        check_command check_nrpe!check_snort_l3
        event_handlers notify-service-by-trap,ftp_a_file,send_an_email

sorry for the late reply… had some more important thing to do since the 27th… (a baby :stuck_out_tongue: )

Why don’t you create a single script which in turn calls the other three? so nagios only calls one and that should work…