[UPDATE: Aha, in the 3.0.4 release, I see "Fix for host/service name encoding in CGIs (trends and availability reports, etc.) ". Since it is 5 PM Friday and one NEVER upgrades stuff right before one goes home for the weekend, I will upgrade on Monday and see what happens. Possibly one of these bad encodings is getting passed to logic that decides on whether notifications get sent.]
I have only Firefox installed, sorry no IE. I can’t actually reliably reproduce this now on Firefox.
However, I am seeing some weird behavior with respect to viewing alert histories of services with spaces. I have a service with a service description “TemPageR Int Temp Deg F X100”. There are no quotes in the config file’s definition.
When I view the alert history linked from the service detail page, I see the heading
Service ‘TemPageR Int Temp Deg F X100’ On Host ‘temppagr-brousseau-3’
at the top of the page, when I check “Hide process messages”, the headline is rewritten with the text
Service ‘TemPageR+Int+Temp+Deg+F+X100’ On Host ‘temppagr-brousseau-3’
and all the alerts disappear. When I Uncheck “Hide process messages” and reload again, the headline text is yet again rewritten weirdly,
Service ‘TemPageR%2BInt%2BTemp%2BDeg%2BF%2BX100’ On Host ‘temppagr-brousseau-3’
And still, no events visible. Also, Nagios seems to have failed to send a notification for this service when it went over limits today.
The strings above are what get put in the dataTitle object, so it’s not a Firefox rendering problem. Someone’s string conversion code got whacked! Hopefully it is not an invitation to unterminated strings …