Nagios 3.0b3 Released


Nagios 3.0b3 was just released and is available for download from:

Yes, 3.0b2 was released just yesterday. Unfortunately, it had a big bug
that affected notifications. Notifications in 3.0b2 were not being sent
out to contacts who were members of contact groups that were associated
with hosts/services and escalations. Notifications did go out to
individual contacts associated with hosts/services and escalations.

3.0b3 fixes the notification problem and includes some minor cleanup of
the docs. Here’s the Changelog:

3.0b3 - 08/30/2007
* Minor bug fix for debug logging of macros
* Version number is now printed in CGI pages
* HTML documentation cleanup (HTML Tidy, link checking, etc.)
* Fixed bug where notifications would not be sent out host/service
contact group members

FYI, NDOUtils 1.4b5 will work just fine with Nagios 3.0b3. For those of
you in the U.S., enjoy the upcoming Labor Day weekend!

Ethan Galstad,
Nagios Developer

Email: [email protected]
