first of all, sorry for my english, i tried to search if this problem is on the forum but i didnt find it.
We use two nagios to monitoring 2500 servers, one of it is for check ping and two active services, and the other one is for receive passive checks,
The problem is on the passive checks, the nagios log show mesages like this: “XXXXnagios: EXTERNAL COMMAND: PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;XXXXX;SERVER;0;Servicio arrancado;;” But nagios dont process the message, and the web dont refresh the info until we reboot the nagios.
the command file receibe a great amount of messages from the servers (80.000 services, like 100 messages on a seccond) and the nagios failed to processes them…
Its active, but the nagios only process little amount of the commands he receive, in the Performance Info i see this:
Check Statistics:
Type Last 1 Min Last 5 Min Last 15 Min
Active Scheduled Host Checks 0 0 0
Active On-Demand Host Checks 0 0 0
Parallel Host Checks 0 0 0
Serial Host Checks 0 0 0
Cached Host Checks 0 0 0
Passive Host Checks 0 0 0
Active Scheduled Service Checks 0 0 0
Active On-Demand Service Checks 0 0 0
Cached Service Checks 0 0 0
Passive Service Checks 0 0 1
External Commands 0 0 11128
Buffer Usage:
Type In Use Max Used Total Available
External Commands 20342 20342 200000
i increase the buffer because it was with all in use.