Good afternoon,
Nagios 2.12
Plugins 1.4.11
OS: CentOS 5
I am using the check_snmp command as follows:
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_snmp -H host1 -C deleted -o .,.,. -w :3,:2,:1 -c :5,:5,:3 -l load
‘snmp_load’ command definition
define command{
command_name snmp_load
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_snmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C $ARG1$ -o .,.,. -w :$ARG2$,:$ARG3$,:$ARG4$ -c :$ARG5$,:$ARG6$,:$ARG7$ -l load
define service{
use generic-service
hostgroup_name servers
service_description SNMPLOAD
contact_groups servers
notification_options u,c,r
check_command snmp_load!deleted!3,2,1!6,5,3
The plugin, when run from the command line, returns:
load CRITICAL - 7 6 5 | iso. iso. iso.
The return status from the plugin is ‘2’, which should be interpreted as CRITICAL.
But the GUI shows the service in a WARNING state, not critical, and no email notification goes out.
SNMPLOAD WARNING 2008-09-19T15:53:13 0d 2h 4m 53s 5/5 load WARNING - 4 6 6
It is almost as if the service is calling a different snmp_load command, but if I modify the one in commands.cfg, the behavior does change.
Any ideas on this would be most helpful.