Hi All
I Installed Nagios_Grapher to display graphs for my service performance data.
And it seems to work just fine…however i have a problem.
I want to monitor my DNS servers response time.
The check_dns plugin returns with the following format in the ngraph.log file:
DNS OK: 0,024 seconds response time DNSSERVERHOSTNAMEREMOVED returns time=0,024347s;;;0,000000
And i use the following ngraph definition to store it:
define ngraph{
service_name DNS
graph_perf_regex time=([0-9,]+)
graph_value DNS
graph_units Seconds
graph_legend Lookup Response time
page DNS
rrd_plottype AREA
rrd_color 0066c0
Now my problem is the following:
The response made by the DNS filter uses a comma (,) to display its time…instead of a dot (.) as is more common for floating points…
This results in the rrdtool complaining that it cannot convert the floating point.
An example:
2005-11-16 19:22:49 RRD: [hostname][IMAP]:conversion of ‘0,026833’ to float not complete: tail ‘,026833’
Howerver…this is not happening always (though most of the time).
Anyone got an idea as to how this is, or how to replace the , with a . (i tried all sorts of regexp using s// and tr// but either im too stupid or it won’t work the way collect2.pl parses the log)