Nagios grapher templates

i am using check_snmp_plugins for collecting the performance data for windows machine. Following are the performance data return by check_snmp_plugin

The performance data for CPU Utilization is
OK : 2 CPU : 3.00% | cpu_used_percent=3.00%;80;90
The performance data for Memory Usage is
Physical Memory : (366 M/503 M) 72% — | ‘disk1_label’=Physical Memory,‘disk1_used’=375168KB,‘disk1_total’=515392KB,‘disk1_percent’=72.79%;80;90

My problem is to create specific template for the above performance data.
I create a template but it is not working correctly. the templates is
CPU Utilization
define ngraph{
service_name snmp-load
graph_perf_regex (\d+).(\d+)%
graph_value load
graph_units percent
graph_legend avg. 5min load
rrd_plottype AREA
rrd_color 00a000

Memory Utilization
define ngraph{
service_name memory
graph_perf_regex ‘disk1_used’=(\d+)
graph_value disk1_used
graph_units memory usage
graph_legend used space
rrd_plottype AREA
rrd_color EA8F00
define ngraph{
service_name memory
graph_perf_regex ‘disk1_total’=(\d+)
graph_value disk1_total
graph_units memory usage
graph_legend total space
rrd_plottype AREA
rrd_color A800FF

kindly response me if any changes in the template.