Nagios losing acknowledgements

I’m running Nagios 3.2.3 (but saw this in 3.2.1 as well) and have a very annoying thing happening. I can ack an alert, and after a few days or so the ack disappears and I get alerted again. Is there a time-limit to acks? It doesn’t matter if I mark the ack as sticky or with a persistent comment. If I view the service, the comment from the ack is still there.

Any ideas why this is happening?

could it be some scritp is restarting nagios every few days and you don’t have set stat retention? or possibly the retention file is being logrotated?

Nagios is/can be restarted several times a day - I’ve automated config generation and a script runs hourly to see if anything has changed an apply if it has.The retention file sits in /dev/shm (state_retention_file=/dev/shm/retention.dat) and isn’t being rotated… any other ideas? I’ve run out of them myself…

how are you restarting nagios? stop/start or reload? or nagios restart?

Originally I was using the nagios.cmd file and sending a RESTART_PROGRAM, but i switched to using the init script and sending a reload command