Nagios Nrpe configuration Issue

Hi All,


We have setup a nagios server (3.x).
We have unix,linux & Aix hosts to be monitored
Installed nrpe [2.12 / 2.8] & plugins on all the hosts.
Now, if i do check_nrpe, it seldom resturns the version & when we restart the nrpe services become Up & available.

Our issue is,
The nagios interface [web inetrface] , where we add the service checks for each of the host, shows data that of localhost * instead of the monitoring hosts.
only the ping response is correct.All other checks like current load, users, disk space etc…shows the values that of the nagios server instead of the monitoring hosts for each & every hosts…
What could be the issue? any configuration mismatch?

an anyone guide us through.
Kindly reply.*