Nagios process not running or it stops spontaneously

Hi there.

I had installed nagios, it was working great, until i upgraded from ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04, I think the up-gradation might be he reason of the nagios not running. I have removed the nagios and reinstalled as guided in the QuickStartGuide. But the problem still remains.

Also see this —>

root@biebo-laptop:/usr/local/nagios/var# service nagios start
Starting nagios: done.
root@biebo-laptop:/usr/local/nagios/var# service nagios status
nagios is not running

the log file ----->

root@biebo-laptop:/usr/local/nagios/var# cat nagios.log
[1245339292] Nagios 3.1.0 starting… (PID=25252)
[1245339292] Local time is Thu Jun 18 21:34:52 PKST 2009
[1245339292] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1245339292] Finished daemonizing… (New PID=25256)
[1245339380] Nagios 3.1.0 starting… (PID=25440)
[1245339380] Local time is Thu Jun 18 21:36:20 PKST 2009
[1245339380] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1245339380] Finished daemonizing… (New PID=25443)
[1245341109] Nagios 3.1.0 starting… (PID=26592)
[1245341109] Local time is Thu Jun 18 22:05:09 PKST 2009
[1245341109] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1245341109] Finished daemonizing… (New PID=26597)

I donot know why it stops by itself. Or it not starts correctly. Please help me with this.


there’s been some posts in the last weeks about nagios having problems with the latest ubuntu versions… check those please.