Nagios sends service down, but no service recovery messages

Dear all,
I’ve been using Nagios v2.9 to monitor the HTTP service of a host.
When the HTTP Service is in CRITICAL state I and my friends receive “Service Critical Notification”

SERVICE NOTIFICATION: cvisik;webserver;Check webserver;CRITICAL;notify-by-email;CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 5 seconds SERVICE NOTIFICATION: friends;webserver;Check webserver;CRITICAL;notify-by-email;CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 5 seconds

When the service is UP again, only I receive “Service UP Notification” as seen below.

SERVICE ALERT: webserver;Check webserver;OK;HARD;4;HTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 17661 bytes in 0.981 seconds SERVICE NOTIFICATION: cvisik;webserver;Check webserver;OK;notify-by-email;HTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 17661 bytes in 0 .981 seconds

For your info, I have the following in my objects.cfg

define service{
use generic-service
name check_webserver
service_description Check webserver
normal_check_interval 5
check_command check_http!http://webserver!5
contact_groups cvisik,friends
host_name webserver

define contactgroup {
contactgroup_name friends
alias Friends
members ttdem,ssahe
define contact{
use generic-contact
contact_name ttdem
alias Teo Dem
email {ttdems_email}
service_notification_options c,r
host_notification_options n
service_notification_commands notify-by-email
host_notification_commands host-notify-by-email
define contact{
use generic-contact
contact_name ssahe
alias Sally Sahe
email {sshaes_email}
service_notification_options c,r
host_notification_options n
service_notification_commands notify-by-email
host_notification_commands host-notify-by-email

What shall I change to make the contactgroups [friends] receive UP notifications?
Thanks in advance.

Looks right to me. I would try matching the notification options with yours or just changing them to see if it makes a difference.