Nagios status.cgi not working (Fr/En)


French version :…epuis-Centreon

I have a problem with a recent nagios installation :

  • Debian / nagios 3.2.1 / ndo2db
    Every part is working at this stage, SQL data included.

I installed Centreon, which is now fully fonctionnal and does not complain.
My main problem is, when I generate and move Nagios config, then restart Nagios, the nagios status.cgi page shows the typical message :
Error: Could not read object configuration data!
(It says the same thing when nagios isnt started)

I am a bit used to nagios problem, so I checked :

  • SELinux is disabled … OK
  • every files access rights under /etc/nagios3 and similar folders, nagios and www-data (apache) users have full access to thoses (rwxrwxr-x nagios:www-data)
  • manually run nagios3 -v /etc/nagios3/nagios.conf, 0 warnings, 0 errors.
  • use of /etc/nagios3 config folder I had before the Centreon file generation, it works.

As I wanted to double check everything, I manually ran status.cgi from command line, and it seems like an access rights problems, but I cant figure where:

  • as root, I get the normal, working, status page …
  • as www-data (apache user), I get the “Whoops” page.

It is very strange because, nagios itself works perfectly, as I see the UP/DOWN events in the logs.

I wish you had an idea because I am blocked.
Please help

Have a nice day


fuirst thing which comes to mind is if you did correctly create the nagioscmd group including the nagios and www-data users?