I’ve installed Nagios and got it running ok. The problem is that I have suExec enabled on my Redhat/Apache/Cpanel server and the suExec log piles up with errors like:
error: target uid/gid (32003/504) mismatch with directory (32069/32069) or program (32069/32069) or trusted user (0/10)
when I try to access the webpage. I fixed the directory and program error by chmod’ing the directory/files to the webuser, so now it looks like:
error: target uid/gid (32003/504) mismatch with directory (32003/504) or program (32003/504) or trusted user (0/10)
I don’t know how to change the “trusted user”. Any ideas here? Nagios is located in directory /usr/local/nagios/share and I modified the httpd.conf to point to share from a user website.