Hi all,
I notice that if you are viewing the web front end of a nagios install it marks all soft critical with red as well as hard critical. Is it possible to get it to display only the hard statuses on the front end?
The problem I’m having is that I have a dependency set up for a number of hosts
ie. it only carries out service check A if service B is currently up. However due to check scheduling it’s unavoidable that service A can go soft critical before service B goes hard critical. This works fine for notifications as it will only notify on hard state changes. In addition service B will always get to a hard state before service A can due to the configuration I have set.
However the nagios front end looks like a war zone with as much red as there is green (screenshot attached). Most of the red is soft criticals which are a result of the dependant service being down. The result it misleading in my opinion. In reality all those soft criticals are actual ‘unknown’.