NagiosGrapher Help Please!

Hi all I am a newbie here.

I have Nagios up and running and monitoring around 20+ Servers. I wanted a good grapher plugin and after some research NagiosGrapher looks like a great one to use. I have installed NagiosGrapher according to the HowTos:BestPractice:NagiosGrapher instructions.

When I run it all i see in Nagios is a broken link for the image graph also it is only getting data for the localhost not any of my servers. I am sure there is just something missing in some config file, but for the life of me I can not figure it out (remember I am still new to this) I have pasted part of the ngraph.log file. Could you tell me from this what I am doing wrong.

I want to thank all of you that help me get this working in advance.

2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: buffer => '1024’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: cgi_config => '/usr/local/nagios/etc/cgi.cfg’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: fe_use_browser_all => 'false’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: fe_use_browser_for => 'nagiosadmin’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: fe_use_browser_url => 'false’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: fe_use_timefilter => 'true’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: fontfile => '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: group => 'nagios’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: heartbeat => 'AUTO’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: icon_image_script => '/nagios/cgi-bin/rrd2-system.cgi?'
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: icon_image_src => '/nagios/images/logos/graph.png’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: icon_image_static => ‘true’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: icon_image_tag => ‘’ dot.png’ border=“0”><A TARGET="_blank" HREF="graphs.cgi?'
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: interface => 'file’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: log_file => '/usr/local/nagios/var/ngraph.log’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: log_level => '1023’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: nagios_config => '/usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: perffile_path => '/usr/local/nagios/var/'
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: pidfile => '/usr/local/nagios/var/nagios_grapher/’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: pipe => '/usr/local/nagios/var/rw/ngraph.pipe’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: port => '5667’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: rrd_color_arrow => 'ff0000’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: rrd_color_background => 'ffffff’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: rrd_color_canvas => 'ffffff’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: rrd_color_font => '333333’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: rrd_color_frame => 'ffffff’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: rrd_color_shadea => 'c0c0c0’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: rrd_color_shadeb => 'c0c0c0’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: rrdpath => '/usr/local/nagios/var/rrd/'
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: serviceext_path => '/usr/local/nagios/etc/serviceext/'
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: serviceext_type => 'MULTIPLE’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: serviceextinfo => '/usr/local/nagios/etc/serviceextinfo.cfg’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: tmppath => '/tmp/nagiosgrapher/'
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: url => '/nagios/cgi-bin/graphs.cgi’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: use_authentication => 'true’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: user => 'nagios’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: define => 'ngraph’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_legend => 'Loss’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_legend_eol => 'none’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_log_regex => 'loss = ([0-9])'
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_units => '%'
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_value => 'Loss’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: page => '2 Loss’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: rrd_color => 'ff0000’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'LINE2’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: service_name => 'PING’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: define => 'ngraph’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_legend => 'RTA’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_log_regex => 'rta = ([0-9]
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_units => 'ms’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_value => 'RTA’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: page => '1 RTA’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: rrd_color => '00a000’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'AREA’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: service_name => 'PING’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: ==> ngraph definition:
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: define => 'ngraph’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_calc => 'RTA,AVERAGE’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_legend => 'RTA Average’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_legend_eol => 'LEFT’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_value => 'vdef_ping_average’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: hide => 'no’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: page => '1RTA’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: rrd_color => '0000ff’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: rrd_plottype => 'LINE1’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: service_name => 'PING’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: type => 'VDEF’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: ==> nmgraph definition:
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: define => 'nmgraph’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_type => 'line’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: host_name => ’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: hosts => 'nethq-dev’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: service_name => 'nethq-dev Services’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: services => '.?'
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: ==> nmgraph definition:
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: colors => 'ff8000, 00ff00, 0000ff’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: define => 'nmgraph’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_type => 'stack’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: host_name => ’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: hosts => '.?'
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: order => 'reverse’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: service_name => 'all ping’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: services => 'PING’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: ==> nmgraph definition:
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: colors => 'ff8000, 00ff00, 0000ff’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: define => 'nmgraph’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_type => 'stack’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: host_name => ’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: hosts => '.?'
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: order => 'reverse’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: service_name => 'all http’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: services => 'HTTP.
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: ==> nmgraph definition:
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: define => 'nmgraph’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: graph_type => 'area’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: host_name => '* Multigraphen’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: hosts => '.?'
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: service_name => 'all services’
2009-03-17 13:47:58 CFG: services => '.
2009-03-17 13:47:58 PRG: Starting up (PID: 26780) …
2009-03-17 13:47:58 PRG: using service-perfdata.time in /usr/local/nagios/var/
2009-03-17 13:48:01 FILE: reading perf data from /usr/local/nagios/var/service-perfdata.1237156880
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Traksrvr NSClient++ Version NSClient++ 2008-09-24 1237126015
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘NSClient++ Version’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Vcenter Uptime System Uptime - 28 day(s) 18 hour(s) 26 minute(s) 1237126015
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Uptime’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Veeam Memory Usage Memory usage: total:1257.51 Mb - used: 276.30 Mb (22%) - free: 981.21 Mb (78%) Memory usage=276.30Mb;1006.01;1131.76;0.00;1257.51 1237126032
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Memory Usage’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: WSUS-AV Memory Usage Memory usage: total:1321.51 Mb - used: 819.44 Mb (62%) - free: 502.07 Mb (38%) Memory usage=819.44Mb;1057.21;1189.36;0.00;1321.51 1237126032
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Memory Usage’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: localhost HTTP HTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 319 bytes in 0.058 seconds time=0.057734s;;;0.000000 size=319B;;;0 1237126032
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘HTTP’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Websense Memory Usage Memory usage: total:2500.44 Mb - used: 1339.90 Mb (54%) - free: 1160.53 Mb (46%) Memory usage=1339.90Mb;2000.35;2250.39;0.00;2500.44 1237126032
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Memory Usage’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Appsrvr1 Explorer Explorer.EXE: Running 1237126035
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Explorer’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: localhost Root Partition DISK OK - free space: / 4313 MB (59% inode=73%): /=2963MB;6132;6899;0;7666 1237126035
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Root Partition’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Appsrvr2 Explorer Explorer.EXE: Running 1237126035
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Explorer’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 FILE: reading perf data from /usr/local/nagios/var/service-perfdata.1237156910
2009-03-17 13:48:01 FILE: reading perf data from /usr/local/nagios/var/service-perfdata.1237156940
2009-03-17 13:48:01 FILE: reading perf data from /usr/local/nagios/var/service-perfdata.1237156970
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Appsrvr1 C:\ Drive Space c:\ - total: 25.00 Gb - used: 12.20 Gb (49%) - free 12.81 Gb (51%) c:\ Used Space=12.20Gb;20.00;22.50;0.00;25.00 1237156940
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘C:\ Drive Space’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Bes CPU Load CPU Load 0% (5 min average) 5 min avg Load=0%;80;90;0;100 1237156950
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘CPU Load’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Appsrvr2 CPU Load No route to host 1237156950
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘CPU Load’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Dccorp1 Explorer Explorer.EXE: Running 1237156950
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Explorer’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Fastrack Explorer Explorer.EXE: Running 1237156950
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Explorer’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Fmsrvr Explorer No route to host 1237156960
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Explorer’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: GWGuardian Explorer Explorer.EXE: Running 1237156960
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Explorer’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 FILE: reading perf data from /usr/local/nagios/var/service-perfdata.1237157000
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Imgsrvr1 E:\ Drive Space e:\ - total: 75.00 Gb - used: 38.78 Gb (52%) - free 36.23 Gb (48%) e:\ Used Space=38.78Gb;60.00;67.50;0.00;75.00 1237156970
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘E:\ Drive Space’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Imgsrvr2 CPU Load CPU Load 0% (5 min average) 5 min avg Load=0%;80;90;0;100 1237156970
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘CPU Load’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Netvision CPU Load CPU Load 3% (5 min average) 5 min avg Load=3%;80;90;0;100 1237156970
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘CPU Load’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: PRTG CPU Load CPU Load 0% (5 min average) 5 min avg Load=0%;80;90;0;100 1237156980
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘CPU Load’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Print CPU Load No route to host 1237156980
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘CPU Load’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Retdc E:\ Drive Space e:\ - total: 25.54 Gb - used: 14.34 Gb (56%) - free 11.20 Gb (44%) e:\ Used Space=14.34Gb;20.43;22.99;0.00;25.54 1237156980
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘E:\ Drive Space’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Sharepoint Explorer Explorer.exe: not running 1237156990
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Explorer’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Sqlsrvr Explorer Explorer.EXE: Running 1237156990
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Explorer’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Srvdc E:\ Drive Space e:\ - total: 25.55 Gb - used: 13.67 Gb (53%) - free 11.88 Gb (47%) e:\ Used Space=13.67Gb;20.44;22.99;0.00;25.55 1237156990
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘E:\ Drive Space’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 FILE: reading perf data from /usr/local/nagios/var/service-perfdata.1237157030
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Termsrvr Explorer Explorer.EXE: Running 1237157000
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Explorer’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Traksrvr Memory Usage Memory usage: total:2152.95 Mb - used: 532.63 Mb (25%) - free: 1620.33 Mb (75%) Memory usage=532.63Mb;1722.36;1937.66;0.00;2152.95 1237157000
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Memory Usage’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Vcenter NSClient++ Version NSClient++ 2008-09-24 1237157010
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘NSClient++ Version’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Veeam G:\ Drive Space g:\ - total: 870.00 Gb - used: 2.99 Gb (0%) - free 867.01 Gb (100%) g:\ Used Space=2.99Gb;696.00;783.00;0.00;870.00 1237157010
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘G:\ Drive Space’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: WSUS-AV Explorer Explorer.exe: not running 1237157010
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Explorer’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Websense Explorer Explorer.exe: not running 1237157020
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘Explorer’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: Appsrvr1 CPU Load CPU Load 3% (5 min average) 5 min avg Load=3%;80;90;0;100 1237157020
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: No blocks for ‘CPU Load’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE:
2009-03-17 13:48:01 PIPE: localhost PING PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.11 ms 1237157020
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: 2 blocks for ‘PING’ found.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: graph_value=Loss
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: output=plugin.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: regex=m/loss = ([0-9])/i
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: perfdata=ping ok - packet loss = 0%, rta = 0.11 ms
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: match=0
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: graph_value=RTA
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: output=plugin.
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: regex=m/rta = ([0-9]
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: perfdata=ping ok - packet loss = 0%, rta = 0.11 ms
2009-03-17 13:48:01 REGEX: match=0.11
2009-03-17 13:48:02 PRG: error, No such file or directory
2009-03-17 13:48:02 Got signal: Use of uninitialized value $step in division (/) at /usr/local/nagios/contrib/ line 518, line 15.

2009-03-17 13:48:02 PRG: error, Inappropriate ioctl for device
2009-03-17 13:48:02 Got signal: Use of uninitialized value $step in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/nagios/contrib/ line 527, line 15.

2009-03-17 13:48:02 RRD: rrdtool create step rra 1:300 2:1010 12:770 72:1488 288:744 for /usr/local/nagios/var/rrd/localhost/e83ad6f0ea3664b24243499a2e9f981b.rrd
2009-03-17 13:48:02 PRG: error, Inappropriate ioctl for device
2009-03-17 13:48:02 Got signal: Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /usr/local/nagios/contrib/ line 539, line 15.

2009-03-17 13:48:02 PRG: error, Inappropriate ioctl for device
2009-03-17 13:48:02 Got signal: Use of uninitialized value $step in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/nagios/contrib/ line 546, line 15.

2009-03-17 13:48:02 RRD: rrdtool create /usr/local/nagios/var/rrd/localhost/e83ad6f0ea3664b24243499a2e9f981b.rrd --step= DS:Loss:GAUGE:AUTO:U:U DS:RTA:GAUGE:AUTO:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:300 RRA:MAX:0.5:1:300 RRA:MIN:0.5:1:300 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:2:1010 RRA:MAX:0.5:2:1010 RRA:MIN:0.5:2:1010 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:770 RRA:MAX:0.5:12:770 RRA:MIN:0.5:12:770 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:72:1488 RRA:MAX:0.5:72:1488 RRA:MIN:0.5:72:1488 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:744 RRA:MAX:0.5:288:744 RRA:MIN:0.5:288:744 with rra 1:300 2:1010 12:770 72:1488 288:744
2009-03-17 13:48:02 RRD: [localhost][PING]:step size should be no less than one second
2009-03-17 13:48:02 VALUES: [localhost][PING]: RTA=0.11 Loss=0
2009-03-17 13:48:02 RRD: rrdtool update /usr/local/nagios/var/rrd/localhost/e83ad6f0ea3664b24243499a2e9f981b.rrd --template=RTA:Loss 1237157020:0.11:0
2009-03-17 13:48:02 RRD: [localhost][PING]:opening ‘/usr/local/nagios/var/rrd/localhost/e83ad6f0ea3664b24243499a2e9f981b.rrd’: No such file or directory
2009-03-17 13:48:02 PIPE: