I am new with Nagios, i am now trying to add a contact.
i add contact to the contacts.cfg file, try to restart the Nagios service and till now all good.
i have some contactgroup that were already defined, when i try to add the user that i have just created to one of the contactgroup and try to restart the service, i got an error.
i guess i am missing something and this new contact should be define in another files also.
the error message without a lot of info:
Running configuration check… CONFIG ERROR! Restart aborted. Check your Nagios configuration.
contact, I just copy two of them and changed the email address:
define contact{
contact_name yarons ; Short name of user
alias Yaron ; Full name of user
host_notifications_enabled 1
service_notifications_enabled 1
service_notification_period 24x7
host_notification_period 24x7
service_notification_options w,u,c
host_notification_options d,u
service_notification_commands notify-service-by-email
host_notification_commands notify-host-by-email
email [email protected] ;
contact group:
i have a few but i just copy one of them to simplify it
define contactgroup{
contactgroup_name infrastructure
alias IT Infrastructure
members yarons,jone
so my problem is with new user: jone
if i remove him from all of the contactgroup members the service restart with no problems.
if i had this contact to one of the contact group no matter which contact group, i got
an error while restart the service.
as you can see gthe configuration between the contacts is identical.
i guess there is another place that i should define this new user.