i am new to Nagios, i have instlled it for the 1st time and its runnig ok.
i installed the Nagios CORE 3.2.1 and the latest Plugins…
i created a direcotry at /etc/nagios/servers and palced there the server.cfg file i want to monitor (a simple ping test)
then at the ‘nagios.cfg’ file set to look to the directory “cft_dir…” reloaded the nagios service but the nagios only moitor the localhost server?
You need a hosts file which lists every IP and associated name it wishes to ping, also required is a hostgroup file. You should just be able to add additional config to your already existing config created for localhost. An agent will need to be installed for any systems which require anything more than ping.
You should just be able to add additional configuration to your settings for localhost already created. An agent must be installed for all systems that require more than ping. Need a hosts file that lists all the IP addresses and the names you want to ping, also required is a hostgroup file.