decryption_method=0 to start with. When you get that working, then you can try the others.
yep, that’s what i did to get it working.
blowfish works.
Thanks, Luca
I’ve been trying to implement jakkedup’s setup for nsca. I’m encountering one problem on my central Nagios server, however: the command “service_is_stale” is not defined anywhere.
What command are you using to define that? Or am I just missing something?
define command{
command_name service_is_stale
command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/
Contents of the above .sh file is:
/bin/echo “CRITICAL: Service results are stale!”
exit 2
I’ve been running Nagios 2.0 with active checks disabled on the services that I’m passively monitoring, but this causes things to appear as red on the tactical overview (disabled active checks appear as red). To prevent this, I’ve tried enabling active checks on those hosts and pointing them to a stale_service_check file but I haven’t had much luck.
What’s happening is that even though Nagios is receiving the passive updates, it is not rescheduling the time for the active check to occur. For example, I have my hosts update Nagios on a 5 minute interval and I also have the active checks enabled at a 5 minute interval. Imagine that these updates occur 2.5 minutes of of sync of each other. Every 2.5 minutes I’ll receive either a RECOVERY or a PROBLEM message.
Shouldn’t the active check be rescheduled every time a status update is received for a host?
That sounds like it would make for an advanced feature of nagios perhaps, but then it might be a bad thing.
Imagine you have a ftp server that is being monitored. You have nagios-A setup making active checks and that nagios is on the same network segment as the ftp server. You also have nagios-B setup on a different network, making active checks and passing the data to the central server as passive checks. The nagios-A box on one network may experience failures to the ftp server, but the the other one is working just fine. Do you NOT want to know that the one box is having trouble? In your scenario, one box may never make a check at all, since it would be rescheduled by the check that came in via nsca. NOT a good thing.
On the tactical page it also shows host/service health and that is 100% green, so your customer should be happy about that. There are 0 network outages, no critical, warning, or unknown errors for hosts/services. The simple fact that there xxx services disabled, might alarm some people, but they are uneducated about WHY they are disabled. They are disabled due to being passive. So educated them, and move on to something that is really important. Like making sure your nagios status map, looks identical to the wiring of your network(that way, we can unplug every cable in your network, and you can put it back together just from your map).
The changes for the NSCA add on is not really working good for me. I am expecting a good things to make my work to move out very well. It is necessary for anyone to finish it very well.
I think that’s a problem. This education needs to accompany the alarm, if not precede it.
It’s one thing to say, a smoke alarm is going off… it’s not any less of an issue just because there is a good reason, like the air is no longer clean and “global warming” has reached a point where it makes normal smoke alarms act up when there is not a fire.
If this is the case then it’s necessary to make sure all of the Alarms detect and mitigate whatever conditions create false positive alarms.