NSClient++: plugins configuration

Have been trying to configure but my English is poor, I cannot understand most of the sintaxes.
For instance, on the docs of nsclient++ we have some examples:

[code]CheckDriveSize ShowAll MaxWarn=50% MaxCrit=75% Drive=c:
OK: c:: 63G (68374007808B)|c:=85% 50;75;

define command {
command_name CheckDriveSize
command_line check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 5666 -c CheckDriveSize -a Drive=$ARG1$ ShowAll MaxWarn=$ARG2$ MaxCrit=$ARG3$

check_command CheckDriveSize!C:\!50%!75%


In this case, what should I put in the nsc.ini file? :cry:

checkCPU warn=80 crit=90 time=20m time=10s time=4
CPU Load ok.|'20m average'=11%;80;90; '10s average'=7%;80;90; '4 average'=10%;80;90;

And in this case, what should I put in ‘define command’, ‘define services’ and nsc.ini?
I just want an example to try to figure out how to configure, how args works

In the nsc.ini file just enable the ports and allowed hosts. I used the check_nt! command:
check_nt!CHECKDISKSPACE! -l c -w 80 -c 90

i.m ussing nagios v3 which compiles with nsclient support