The problem of just dumping a bunch of hosts in nagios, is just what you got now. You have no parent/child relationship, so therefor, the map looks screwy and doesn’t really show you how your network is cabled together. The nice thing about the $10,000 commercial programs is, that they actually map out your network, cable by cable. Nagios is not that costly, so you will have to do it like I did. i.e. by hand.
For example:
Nagios pc is using eth0 that plugs into Switch1 port1.
Switch1 port 24 connects to Switch2 port 1
Switch2 port 24 connects to router1 port 2.
Router1 has 3 other ports, 1, 3, 4
So, the hosts file would kinda be like this.
Nagiospc No parents
Nagiospc-eth0 parent NagiosPC
Switch1 port1 parent Nagiospc-eth0
Switch1 parent is Switch1 port1
Switch1 port 24 parent is Switch1
Switch2 port 1 parent is Switch1 port 24
Switch2 parent is Switch2 port 1
Switch2 port 24 parent is Switch2
and so on.
As you can see, I’ve looked at our network, by hand, to see what ports connect switches together, routers, etc. This will resolve your problem with the map, since now nagios will know that nagiospc-eth0 is connected to switch1 port1, and switch1 port1 is(of course) connected to switch1, and switch1 port 24 is connected to… See how this goes? The great thing about doing this, is that you can now, have some yoyo, unplug every single cable on your network, and YOU WILL BE ABLE to recreate the entire wiring just by looking at your map.
The other added benefit, is that now, when ONE cable unplugs, you won’t have an entire page of Critical’s. You will only have ONE critical, and the rest of the host’s will be status “UNREACHABLE”, since now nagios knows that "hey, these devices are children of switch1, port1, and since switch1 port1 is dead, then the rest must be unreachable.
Oh yea baby, this is the real powet of nagios, when your boss and you can see exactly how your network is wired. But it takes a week or more to just map it out on paper.
HAve fun, I know I did, and now we have the most beautiful network map, you ever saw.
And yea, use nagiosmap to move the stuff around by hand, AFTER you have done the above, if you don’t like the way nagios draws it.
Edited Sat Mar 12 2005, 03:43PM ]