Passive checks with 'FORGET' functionallity

hi folks,

i need to set up a service who will filter actions: if a.e. 3 actions arrives in an hour nagios should alarm, but if after 2 actions thers no more he should forget them (one by one)


10:05 ACTION1 (1) 10:25 ACTION2 (2) 10:50 ACTION3 (3) => ALARM (and set check=0 (OK))

10:05 ACTION1 (1)
10:25 ACTION2 (2)
11:05 forget action1 => (1)
11:15 ACTION3 (2)
11:25 forget action2 => (1)

has anybody an idea how to do that? i still don’t see the way… :frowning:

thanks a lot

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